White 14"D Vertical Panels, (WH-14V), Various Options
Use this wall hang or floor mount panel to support shelves and pull-outs. Available in various heights, with or with out mounting rail notch, and in left end, right end, or center partition boring patterns.
Option 1: Height
Available in 23", 48", 60", 78", 86", and 95" heights (nominal). See spec sheet for exact heights.
Option 2: Panel Type
Available in Left End, Right End, and Center Partition types.
- Left End Verticals (VL) has shelf holes drilled on right side only. Intended for use as left end panels.
- Right End Verticals (VR) has shelf holes drilled on left side only. Intended for use as right end panels.
- Center Partition Verticals (VC) has shelf holes drilled on both sides. Intended for use as center/ middle partitions where shelves are attached to both sides of panel or where it does not matter if unused hole patterns are present such as against a wall.
Option 3: With or without notch for hang/ mounting rail.
- Yes Notch (YN)
- No Notch (NN)
* Additional holes for mounting stretchers are included on No Notch panels. See Spec Sheet for locations which varies based on panel height. Stretchers (STR) available as seperate item if needed.
Edge Banding: Top, Front, Bottom (Except no edge banding on bottoms of 86" and 95" vertical panels.
Color: White
Actual Dimensions: 3/4T x 14.25D